
Oto Hudec

Oto Hudec (1981) artista e attivista vive e lavora a Košice, Slovacchia. I suoi progetti usano spesso storie e visioni utopiche per esplorare il cambiamento climatico, la globalizzazione, la migrazione e la vita delle comunità minoritarie.
Selezione mostre PERSONALI: 2019: “We Are All Carbon,” Gandy Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2017; “House of Isabel,” Gallery OFF Format, Brno, Czech Republic; “Archipelago,” Kunsthalle Bratislava, Slovakia; “Prague Day after the Air Raid,” Artwall Gallery Prague, Czech Republic; “The Man Who Travels with Bees,” Gandy gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia; 2014: “Nor Tortoise Shell nor Blades of Grass,” MMCA Chang Dong National Art Studio, Seoul, South Korea; 2013: “Nomadia,” Mutuo Espaco de Arte, Barcelona, Spain; “Tales from the Other Seas,” Espaço Gesto, Porto, Portugal; 2011: “Traffic Jam,” Miscelanea space, Barcelona, Spain.

Selezione mostre COLLETTIVE: 2021: “Slow Life”, Ludwig Museum Budapest, Hungary; Madler-Passage Leipzig, Germany; “Potential Agrarianisms”, Kunsthalle Bratislava, Slovakia; 2020, “Slow Life, Radical Practices of the Everyday”, Museum Ludwig, Budapest, Hungary and Museum Ludwig, Koblenz, Germany; 2019, “Suoja Shelter Festival”, Space for Free Arts, Helsinki, Finland; “Face to Face”, Musée de l ́Homme, Paris, France, 2018, “Welcome to the Jungle”, Kunsthalle Duesseldorf, Germany; 2017: “Nadikhuno Muzeumos,”, Bratislava, Slovakia’ “Stop Over,” Freiraum 21, Museums Quartier, Vienna, Austria; “Fear of the Unknown,” Galerie NTK, Pragu, Czech Republic; “Museum On/Off, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France; “Rien ne va plus? Faites vos jeux!,” De Appel, Amsterdam, Netherlands; “Fear from the Unknown,” Kunsthalle Bratislava, Slovakia; 2015: “Walking without Footprints,”, Bratislava, Slovakia; “Reinterpretácia skutočnosti,” Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia; “ Other Forms of Relations,” MMCA Chang Dong National Art Studio, Seoul, South Korea; 2011: Voices from the Center,” threewalls gallery,Chicago, USA.

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