
Massimo Uberti, Spazio amato | Talk at GNAM on Saturday, October 10 at 11:30am

AlbumArte is pleased to announce 

Massimo Uberti, Spazio amato
Talk on Saturday, October 10 at 11:30am
GNAM – Galleria nazionale di arte moderna e contemporanea, Rome

Presentation of the project Spazio Amato by Massimo Uberti, in occasion of the opening of his exhibition at GNAM during the 9th AMACI Day of Contemporary, with Massimo Uberti, Alberto Dambruoso, Angelandreina Rorro and Cristina Cobianchi.

As every year, the GNAM, in occasion of the Day of Contemporary (ideated by AMACI and arrived to its 11th edition), opens free to the public with works of contemporary artists in dialogue with the collections. 

This year the exhibition of Massimo Uberti’s works (Brescia 1966) will be a reflection on the museum as physical, mental and emotional space. The artist, who has worked for years on this theme, has created a series  of briquettes of different sizes (from 12×9 to 28×28 centimetries), that will be put in the lobby of the rooms of the gallery, insted the sentence made by neon “Spazio amato” will be in the atrium.