AlbumArte presents the publication Eva Frapiccini Dreams Archive edited by Cristina Cobianchi
Bruno Publishing House, Venice (October 2023, double version Italian and English)
HERMANN NITSCH MUSEUM NAPLES Tuesday, November 14 6:30 p.m.
Cristina Cobianchi Founder and president of AlbumArte, book editor Eva Frapiccini Artist Angela Tecce President Fondazione Donnaregina – Madre Museum Vittorio Urbani Coordinator of international relations at Fondazione Morra Sveva Ventre Architect curator president Collective Zero APS
Vico Lungo Pontecorvo 29/D
On Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. at the Hermann Nitsch Museum in Naples, the volume Eva Frapiccini Dreams Archive, also the title of the umbrella project developed between 2011 and 2023 by visual artist Frapiccini in collaboration with video, sound and live arts artists around dream imaginaries from an audio archive of more than 2,300 dream narratives from different geographical areas, will be presented. The publication has the dual form of catalog and essay in its two sections DREAMS_Research in practice and DREAMS_Reader. The first section describes the traveling participatory event Dreams’ Time Capsule (2011-2022); the video installation and performance Dust of Dreams (2022); the sound installation Dreamscape (2023); and the photographic series H.D.M. (2022-23). The projects are documented through the various exhibition stages, including Dreamscape’s recent participation in the Son Biennale in Switzerland. The second section DREAMS_Reader collects the scientific contributions of Dreamscape’s Public Program – Talks conceived by the artist together with Labont – Laboratory of Ontology and Interdepartmental Research of the University of Turin, organized by AlbumArte with the support of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, within the framework of the call for proposals Art~Waves. From idea to scene, which took place at the Polo del ‘900 in Turin in May 2023.
The publication, edited by Cristina Cobianchi and with editorial project coordination by Marta Bracci, contains texts by: Carola Barbero, Arianna Cecconi, Cristina Cobianchi, Davide Dal Sasso, Anna Daneri, Diletta De Cristofaro, Alessandra Donati, Jean-Paul Felley, Eva Frapiccini, Federica Martini, Giulia Palomba, Vincenzo Santarcangelo, Paola Ugolini.
Contributions by: Sara Berts, Ali MacGilp, Daniele Ninarello, Zane Onckule, Alberto Peola, Catalina Quijano, Alexandra Stock, Michele Tavano, Paola Tognon.
Speakers will include Cristina Cobianchi Founder and president of AlbumArte, curator of the book, Eva Frapiccini Artist, Angela Tecce President Fondazione Donnaregina – Museo Madre, the museum that hosted Dreamscape one of the publication’s projects in June 2023, Vittorio Urbani International Relations Coordinator at Fondazione Morra, which hosts the evanto, Sveva Ventre Architect curator president Collettivo Zero APS, which collaborated with the project in Naples in June 2023.
Project realized thanks to the support of the General Directorate of Contemporary Creativity of the Italian Ministry of Culture under the Italian Council program (12th edition, 2023).
The Eva Frapiccini Dreams Archive project received a grant from the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation as part of the call for proposals “ART~WAVES. For creativity, from the idea to the scene,” which looks at the consolidation of the creative identity of territories through the support of programming in the field of performing arts and contemporary creative production, combining research, production,supply and distribution in an ecosystem logic to strengthen the artistic vocations of the territory
Event in collaboration with Morra Foundation and Hermann Nitsch Museum.