Wednesday 23rd June, 2021
AlbumArte and Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma
Lucia Bricco
Lo sai che Jo se ne va?
Performance (2021,15’)
AlbumArte, Via Flaminia 122, Rome
Part of the collective exhibition
Lucia Bricco Diana Legel Aura Monsalves Muñoz Juliane Schmidt
Diana Sirianni Maria Giovanna Sodero Alexandra Wolframm Wang Ximan
curated by Donatella Landi
Wednesday, June 23 at 7pm AlbumArte and the Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma, present the unreleased performance by Lucia Bricco entitled “Lo sai che Jo se ne va?” part of the group exhibition A MISURA in progress at AlbumArte from May 19 to June 25, 2021, curated by Donatella Landi.
Experience is a mobile whole, without waste and without a centre. And poetry is created as an imitation of experience.
It does not begin, it does not adjust and it does not end, but “rotates like the firmament”.[1]
The time of the performance is meant to be decentralised, transitional, shifted.
The body irrupts as a residue,
a trace of its own history. It is vulnerably present in a way that defies the law of position
because, like every small particle within the Absolute, it contains that which is both beside and beyond itself.
(Lucia Bricco)
[1] Ludovica Koch, Introduction to J. W. Goethe’s West-Eastern Divan published in 1819
Free entrance with reservation at
Covid-19 entry rules apply